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Yesvember. [It's baaaaack.]

Dear 31,


It's a thing on Urban Dictionary, but also used to be an exercise in crazy back in my twenties (so long ago). You know, mid-year-of-life I'd pump out a new list of to-dos to kick start the winter and remind myself to take action. That was the whole point of the lists. That is the whole point of my list: taking action.

But really my life when I was 27 was very different. So. Different. 

In year 27, I was employed by someone other than myself, I was striving to see new spots in Des Moines and traveling all the time. My life was bustling, I was actively watching Glee, I was single and out on the town a lot and writing all the time. Life at 27 was rich in experiences and potlucks

Here I am 4 years later, living with a boy, fully self-employed and wearing my glasses more often. I'm 31 now, dude. Potlucks happen with less frequency and Blues on Grand closed.

With the onset of Yesvember, with my new #goingsolo life even more solo than it was last month, there's no better time to push myself to act. It might not be a list of to dos, but it's a feeling of "hop-to-it-ness." Onward.

What's on your list for Yesvember? Let's act.
