Good Things Going Solo May 13 Written By Laura Palmer Waiting never works. It's all about the hustle. (Add it to your desktop, your iPhone lock screen or the Android equivalent. I did. Because waiting is always easier than hustling. But waiting never works.)Want some cool (free) stuff in your inbox weekly? Subscribe to our mailing list * indicates required Email Address * First Name Last Name Birthday / ( mm / dd ) How did you hear about XO-LP? xo-LP Laura Palmer
Good Things Going Solo May 13 Written By Laura Palmer Waiting never works. It's all about the hustle. (Add it to your desktop, your iPhone lock screen or the Android equivalent. I did. Because waiting is always easier than hustling. But waiting never works.)Want some cool (free) stuff in your inbox weekly? Subscribe to our mailing list * indicates required Email Address * First Name Last Name Birthday / ( mm / dd ) How did you hear about XO-LP? xo-LP Laura Palmer