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Pitchfest: Take Action [Vol. 4]

This week the dazzling Liz Lidgett shared her #pitchfest advice. In her interview, she mentioned that LinkedIn is her secret weapon. Liz was the third lady who suggested the business social media site to me as a great way to find the "right person" to pitch- So clearly the Universe is telling me something [and so are these talented, brilliant ladies.]

Let's dig in to some LinkedIn resources, and take action.


Want Liz Lidgett's 3 tips on using LinkedIn? Sign up for XO-LP Weekly and I'll send over an info packed .pdf.

It's not news that LinkedIn can be a professional resource. Even the gurus at LinkedIn write articles about how to find and land clients using their platform. But if you're like me [a visual artist toeing the waters of online cold calling, or someone who is still getting gutsy behind their computer screen], this is a new world of connection opening up in front of you.

A quick Google search brings up loads of advice on using LinkedIn effectively. I've spent some time reading them for you [oh I'm happy to help, friends] and have come up with 5 articles that really dive in and offer actionable advice, which is just what we're looking for here at #pitchfest headquarters.

Let's dig in.

Inc. Magazine's rundown from Geoffrey James.

Hootsuite's Donne Torr breaks it down into 5 steps.

  • Donne reminds us of the obvious, but easy to overlook: complete your profile with a super summary of your super successes. 

  • Top Tip: use recommendations to your advantage. Ask your colleagues and friends 

  • "These recommendations are a form of social proof that provide your potential new clients the feedback and actions of others to determine if they want to work with you or not."

This is a seriously meaty article from Social Media with Priyanka. The guest poster, Angela Swanson, really took it to the house. 

  • First she throws this at you. "You probably already know that over 342 million people and 4 million companies are active on LinkedIn, including about 107 million in the United States alone."

  • Knowing this astounding fact, Angela suggests some serious LinkedIn focus, especially for small businesses. Even a 20 minute game plan can make a difference. 

  • Top Tip: Share your expertise. Use the post functions and status updates to your advantage.

LinkedIn 101 with the creative minds at MyDomaine.

  • The style gals at MyDomaine give the LinkedIn basics in this comprehensive guide for newbies. 

  • Top [unexpected] Tip: Make sure you've nailed the professional headshot. 

  • This lil sentence was highlighted for me "Before you go on a snooping expedition, however, be sure to make yourself 'anonymous.' You don't want to be obvious about your detective work."

And of course: check out what Liz Lidgett had to say in this week's #pitchfest interview. [She's an allstar]

Side note: This can come up. I have a free LinkedIn account. And well, after you search so hard, this can come up "Laura, you've reached the commercial use limit on suggested profiles." Basically it means you worked your tail off and must wait until the first of the month for your search ability to reset. [Cue Bone Thugs]