A killer rhythm section indeed.
Dear 27,
Big night for the blog. Not only did Sara offer many new and exciting suggestions (including an idea we hatched where you 8 readers can submit "dear LP" challenges to add to the big list. I like it. Submit away) but I hosted dinner for 3.
We documented the chicken + grapes + shallots + thyme + my super cool waist apron (thanks Mom) and the first time I've ever used the baster in my kitchen drawer. Dinner was as delightful as the company.
And then...
*Disclaimer: The next featured photo includes offensive language, ill-fitting tank tops, and no, I did not get to take it home.*
I'd say it was a pretty weird and wonderful Tuesday.
Thanks S, A, T, J and D for a night even Chip Eagle would say was his favorite.
Big night for the blog. Not only did Sara offer many new and exciting suggestions (including an idea we hatched where you 8 readers can submit "dear LP" challenges to add to the big list. I like it. Submit away) but I hosted dinner for 3.
We documented the chicken + grapes + shallots + thyme + my super cool waist apron (thanks Mom) and the first time I've ever used the baster in my kitchen drawer. Dinner was as delightful as the company.
And then...
Blues on Grand. (After a brief stop at
Carls. Where there was a surprise run-in. And beer out of a can.)
I can't believe a place like this is closing. Although the crowd was sparse the
Bob Pace Band rocked our little crowd of 6 impressing us with guitar playing skills like I'd never seen. Seriously. At one point there was guitar playing with a pint glass-o-beer. And the same guitar-skilled man was on a table plucking the strings. (I don't know much music jargon. Forgive me.) It is the one night I didn't pack a sharpie in my bag...of course. So I'll have to head back to BoG to tag the bathroom wall before they close for good.
*Disclaimer: The next featured photo includes offensive language, ill-fitting tank tops, and no, I did not get to take it home.*
The night ended after pitchers, lots of laughing and even more impressive guitar playing. But not before I was challenged to wear the shirt featured below. Which was being worn by 58 year old Chris.
(She got it at a tattoo shop. It's an iron on. She knows it doesn't exactly fit her, but it has sentimental value. She decided to pair it with a long denim skirt and attitude. Lethal combo. She also offered to "kick the ass" of anyone who made fun of me. And wore my shirt. That had a bow on it. Which she both hated and enjoyed.) Yes. I wore that. For about 15 minutes. Long enough for Derek, Mark (somehow not pictured. sorry about that Mark) and Josh to laugh, take pictures and stare on in disbelief.
I'd say it was a pretty weird and wonderful Tuesday.
Thanks S, A, T, J and D for a night even Chip Eagle would say was his favorite.