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Best of 2010: Mixtape Exchange

Laurie from Des Moines, IA

(Sign ups for the 2010 mixtape exchange have closed.)
With the help of a few mega-cool bloggers, my lil blog and this mixtape madness have seen quite a bit of traffic this week. Over 95 people have signed up to participate-- THANK YOU!

  • Feel free to snap a picture of your mixtape playlist, the rad package it came in, or you enjoying your new tunes and post it to the flickr group created here: http://www.flickr.com/groups/2010mixtape/ 
  • If you want to tweet about your mix (so we can all see what you're working on) use this: #bestof2010mix
  • Email me with any questions or problems you encounter.
Happy mixing. Thanks for making this exchange a bigtime success!