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Dear 30,

Thankful. So darn thankful.

It doesn't take a turkey to remind me just how grateful I am for this 30th year of life, but it certainly helps. My new year has been a year of thanksgivings, a year of blessings big and small.

Thanks for being kind, supportive, inspiring, challenging, considerate, hospitable, glittery, hug-worthy, entertaining, compassionate, and genuine. Thanks to those far away and nearby, to those I've held close for all thirty years and those I've just met once -- you all have granted me reasons to give thanks. Thank you for pushing me, following me, putting up with me, leading me, and letting me think I'm hilarious.

Today was one day in a year of celebrations. Today was one day in a year full of reasons to be thankful.

Wishing you a merry Thanksgiving. All of you.



ps- Hope to see you tomorrow where we Market Day. High Fives are free.