
Dear 30,

Thankful. So darn thankful.

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It doesn't take a turkey to remind me just how grateful I am for this 30th year of life, but it certainly helps. My new year has been a year of thanksgivings, a year of blessings big and small.

Thanks for being kind, supportive, inspiring, challenging, considerate, hospitable, glittery, hug-worthy, entertaining, compassionate, and genuine. Thanks to those far away and nearby, to those I've held close for all thirty years and those I've just met once -- you all have granted me reasons to give thanks. Thank you for pushing me, following me, putting up with me, leading me, and letting me think I'm hilarious.

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Today was one day in a year of celebrations. Today was one day in a year full of reasons to be thankful.

Wishing you a merry Thanksgiving. All of you.



ps- Hope to see you tomorrow where we Market Day. High Fives are free.


52 Letters: #10


I like to do drawings.