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You just gotta see this.

Dear 30, 

A big, bold blog post title. Got your attention right? It's not a viral youtube video or a request for you to help me transfer my Arabian riches to a US bank account in a scam or a body part enhancement solution. (I think I covered them all) Nope-- This is a list of some of my favorite reads lately from around the interwebs. My friends write a lot. Get ready as XO-LP recommends the best of the internet (whoa. a big bold claim.) 

There's more. I know there's more. But this is a good start. You'll read about cinema and cinnamon, hanging art on your walls and hanging sparkle from your neck. More recommendations to come, with another hyperbolic headline.  Enjoy the weekend. I'll be in a parade, sitting in my new chair and reading blogs my friends write.
