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Dear 30,

Monday Punday is a thing. I didn't create it (although at first I sorta thought I did. Oops.) There are all kinds of people dropping their best puns on Instagram each and every Monday. Mondaypunday.com is a thing. Matthew Broussard, Houston's funniest person, is pushing out illustrated puns weekly on the interwebs. And now, SO AM I. 

Several weeks ago, back when I thought I'd invented #mondaypunday, I shared my first sharpie sketched #mondaypunday with all 300 (booyah. wait, is that a lot? it's less than Badowers, but at least 20 of them are strangers, so it feels like a successful amount) of my Instagram followers and then obsessively checked my phone for the rest of the day to see if I'd set a new personal best on likes. (Don't pretend this is something only I do.) 20+ likes later I knew I had a showstopper* in my feed and kept photographing the hand-illustrated puns on Mondays. 

Some are definitely more hilarious than others. Take, for example, this one. So many additional meat jokes were made thanks to this complimentary steak. Hungry for more #mondaypunday? (See what I did there?) You too can follow along right here on the web, see them fresh each and every Monday on Instagram (@xolp) or give that XO-LP Facebook page a "like." (Social Media overload!)

Happy Monday Punday Friends. I hope it's sunny side up.


*So maybe "showstopper" is a little excessive. But @gloomballoon likes them every week.