A big leap.
Dear 31,
Things have been quiet here in the web world of LP, but real life in the non-internet world has been a crazy schedule of so much change. So much excitement.
Today is my last day at Big Brothers Big Sisters.
As the lady at the 100th Street Casey's in Clive helped me zip up the back of my dress this morning (that's right, it wasn't zipped all the way. thank you sweet Casey's lady and to the people at Starbucks, at the downtown Marriott and FedEx who didn't tell me this weird back-of-dress situation was happening… next time please speak up), I was lost in a thought about new beginnings. This job wasn't the world's most-awesome-job-of-all-time-ever. But this job was exactly what I needed to do to get where I was going.
Back when I worked for Drake I wore a shirt that said I was a member of the "Fun Squashing Squad." Looking back on it, I know why I was covered in paint by the end of the day. I'd paint a FSS-er too.
Great question. (I know you're thinking "Laura, where the heck are you going?")
Tomorrow I will be self-employed.
Tomorrow I'll be a fundraising consultant, a contract employee, a sales development manager and an illustrator. I'll have taken this leap that I was nudged towards over the past 30 years of life. Tomorrow I'll take a risk.
As an oldest child, a worrier (not warrior) and a person generally averse to things that feel out of my element, this is not a terribly comfortable move, but it is a well-thought out, ambitious, super-bigtime-exciting one. Leaps are scary. No way around that.
But this one feels just right. This one feels like the leap I was meant to take.
More info and news in the coming weeks. (And so many new drawings to share)
BBBSCI peeps: Keep up the awesome work. SO proud to have been part of your team.