School Mural Project

A collaborative art project that offers your students a way to express their school spirit,
and themselves, through an artist-led workshop and professional mural.

What and why

Works with your students to illustrate their school spirit in an artist lead workshop,

  • Offers opportunity for arts-integrated learning across core subjects

  • Introduces students to creative career pathways

  • Creates a permanent legacy mural on a wall at your school. 

Research by Turnaround Arts shows that engaging students in making art or connecting with others through art leads to increases in student engagement and self-value.

The schools I’ve worked with report that their students and entire school community have benefited from the collaborative creation of a unique piece of artwork that also serves as a legacy that current students can feel proud about leaving for their peers

In the classroom

I introduce myself as a professional artist and illustrator.

What does a professional artist do? We learn new words: client, assignment and deadline.

We learn my three rules for being an artist: Be brave (because to be creative we must be brave.) Be a good listener. Have fun.

Short imagination exercise as practice: we are “hired” to draw for our client. We practice translating ideas into images.

Finally the students are “hired” by their client, your school, with their assignment to “draw what you love about your school” and are given 8 minutes (a deadline!) to do their work.

I field questions and circulate the classroom with encouragement.

What’s next?

The lesson wraps up and we learn about murals.

We talk about the word “collaborative” and what it means for this project.

I collect all the student drawings to be used in the mural.

I explain that drawings from each classroom will be used in the final piece that will be a mural at their school. Not all student work will be included, but we will include many!

In the next 3-5 days:

I select and scan pieces from the pile of amazing student work that will be placed in the mural sketch for your chosen wall.

When looking through the drawings I look for joyful imagery, clean lines that easily translate to the wall and adorable representations of your school

These illustrations are combined with my whimsical illustrations to fill the space.

The sketch is sent to your team for approval.

Once approved, I project the sketch onto your wall and pencil out the illustration It’s important to me to maintain the integrity of the students’ work! I want them to recognize their illustrations on the wall.

  • The penciled illustration (which may differ slightly from the original sketch) is ready to paint the following day!

  • I encourage you to have me paint during school hours so students can see the process.

  • I do ask schools to provide a ladder, but the rest of the painting supplies are included in the per square foot pricing.

  • I offer two options: 3-5 colors or simple black and white.

  • The goal is to complete the painting within 5 days.

  • I always use exterior paint which has built-in UV coating

Custom Illustration + Lesson Time $3,600
[This includes on-site time, the creation of the mural illustration and layout, plus a printable 8.5x11 inch coloring sheet made for your students from the mural art]

Mural Creation in 3-5 Colors $38/square foot
Mural Creation in Black and White $25/square foot
[I recommend at least 60 square feet for maximum impact! A 60 sq foot wall in 3-5 colors= $5,880]

“Laura is not only talented, but also flexible and passionate about her work.
Her successful collaboration with our staff and students resulted in a mural that represents all that we love about Bayshore School. I highly recommend Laura's work to any school who wants to capture the spirit of their school in a fun art form.”

“Murals are a great way to integrate organic joy and pride, especially since Laura incorporated some of their designs.”

“Laura, Bayshore will be thanking you for many years to come.”

Interested? Let’s connect!