"16", "des moines", "music" LAURA "16", "des moines", "music" LAURA

Match Point.

Dear 27,
Another LIVE show last night that did not disappoint. (If you're keeping track on the list, this makes #8 out of the 17 shows I'm hoping to see!) TENNIS was as charming as they were talented. The married-duo from Denver has received lots of press lately from music blogs and satellite radio.
Imagine breathy girly Beach Boys songs, or just listen to this:

After 2 for 1 beers at Dos Rios with THE Brianne and friends, it was a super night in Des Moines.
An adventure is brewing for this evening...
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MacGuyver Style Sunday Vol. 1

Dear 27,
As part of the big list I've pledged to make (and document) 27 dinners, most of which will be in my favorite cooking/documenting mode-- MacGuyver Style. A couple weeks ago I mentioned my trek to the Farmer's Market with T-O-M (hi Tom!) where we met Lois the cheese lady. Lois owns Reicherts Dairy Air right here in Iowa and makes the most delish goat cheese.
(I did make the mistake of calling "the girls" the "cows" when T-O-M so kindly introduced me to Lois herself. Not the greatest of first impressions.)  

Despite my big mix up, Lois shared a bit about the assortment of cheeses she sells at the Farmer's Market, including the exclusive Robiola that can only be found through Lois or in Italy.  At her stand Lois offers visitors samples of all the varieties she has that day and when we arrived, her stock was nearly sold out! I went to the Market specifically for the Basil Feta and walked away with one of the last blocks of this amazing cheese.

With Lois' feta in hand- I crafted up my first of 27 dinners...let's hope I cook more than that this year, but it's a start.

Here's vol. 1 of MacGuyver Style Sunday:

(ps- Happy birthday.)
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"des moines" LAURA "des moines" LAURA

An Iowa Tradition, like it or not.

Dear 27,
Years ago I wrote about my fair love. Which has wained over the years, big time, but most of what I said is true. In honor of the first day of this beloved Iowa tradition, let me quote myself (because that's not narcissistic at all):

"As the Iowa State Fair rolled into town last Thursday; the excitement was literally palpable, and so was the heat. As I think about my minor obsession with all things fair, let me pause here for a small Laura explanation: For the few of you who read this and know me...you may be thinking, "Laura and the state fair?"
This is a question I have pondered for three years my friends.

I love the smell of crisp cotton shirts floating on dark wooden hangers, soft wool trousers sashaying seductively on the rack, and leather handbags regally draped across entire department store walls. The melodious hum of the escalator soothes my aching soles and soul. The sweet high of bargin hunting, the thrill of the dressing room victory (in with eight, out with at least two purchases) and shoes truly make my mouth water.

After describing my refined taste, you may be surprised to learn that I desperately crave the glow of the midway as the tilt-a-whirl screetches round it's axis. I love the way your ankles sweat as you walk in and out of the rows of people without shirts, sporting sculpted mullets and portrait tatoos. I gauk at the vivid primary colors of the sky ride and it's riders as it traverses overhead from one fair end to the next, shoes, bags and tank tops hanging out of the steel basket. I savor the taste of grease on my lips after eating a corn dog, cheese curds and deep fried oreos. I come home with bags full of propagandic magnets for hospitals, political candidates, and lawn care businesses, posters for every Iowa college sport and smearing spin-arts. I climb gleefully up the stairs of a tractor with a wheel diameter taller than me, get my photo snapped seated in the driver's chair and quickly move to do so in the combine. I have, unconsciously, become a fair lover.

Don't get me wrong...I still complain about the heat, mock those wearing fanny packs too large to be called one and despise the smell of the sheep barn. I obviously prefer the Gap to the 4-H building, but I love the Iowa State Fair."

Today marks another awesome day, an anniversary of sorts in a parking garage that made Des Moines come alive and me remember how to live. Gooooo August. And thank you friend.

ps- Check out the NEW blog space: http://xo-lp.com/blog (you'll like it.)
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Phoenix is pure poetry.

Dear 27,
Tonight was the big PHOENIX show at People's. In order to lure my friends Brianne and Karen and Joe from their plans to hit a bar in Ankeny, I submitted this poem of my evening plan.

The notes and pictures are a bonus that were added after my night of awesome.

Phoenix Poetry Part Two
tonight's French band hits the stage
At a much smaller venue,
I have a couple drinks to attend to.

As fellow concert goers
And dare I say friends,
I thought an offer to join I'd extend.

In honor of Phoenix
And AZ's new and pretty ridiculous new law
I plan to start the evening with tequila and a straw.

Why not have tacos before
Seeing a band rock the house-a,
Because indie is better with a side o salsa.

We went to El Patio for the first Phoenix phest stop. Brianne and Joe rode their bikes which needed to be noted here because it impressed me. We sat outside on El Patio's secret garden patio, sweating and recounting our Tuesdays (family dinner style) and celebrating Phoenix (both the hot city of AZ and the band. Because who doesn't love tacos?)

Because they are Franks,
Not German or Anglo,
After a taco there should be a drink at Django.

We made it to Django, but just barely in time for a French Beer at the "all French no attitude" restaurant. Here we ran into a bunch of friends and concert goers (a couple of which received my poetic masterpiece) and cheers-ed once again to the band hailing from France. And then we ran off to dance.

Let's convene around 6:00
To share laughs over a glass,
Then finish with Phoenix and dance off my ass.

So while my ass is still intact-- Phoenix rocked. Big time.

It's okay to be impressed by my poem.
And here's some bonus music for this week-- my own week of rock.


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One hot show.

Dear 27,
When I say hot show, I mean it. I mean it was pretty hot in there and that the music itself was h-o-t. I sweated off all the additional freckles I picked up at the pool on Saturday. It was hot. Hotter than the sauna at the Eagle's Ozark house. Hotter than the leather seats of the Focus mid-July. Hotter than Justin Bieber's memoir will be. Hotter than...well I think you get what I mean.
After bumping into many soaked Raygun tshirt clad dudes, holding handfuls of ice on the back of my neck and a few tall boys, the Val Air (there was no air to be clear) was surely rockin to the BLACK KEYS.
After a couple bummer shows this summer it was fun to see a band play with such energy and be fully committed to their music. The Black Keys are a duo, only two guys on stage (sweating with the rest of us), but the sound was big, really big.
Des Moines is bringing some top notch acts. Phoenix tomorrow night. Tennis next week. Looking forward to an August that sings.

And now for the pick six. To be played loudly. And with feeling.


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"on the road" LAURA "on the road" LAURA

Travelin' North.

Dear 27,
It's about time I felt the sting of an ill-placed sunburn. The splotches of red, or spots were sunscreen was applied in a sloppy distracted way, across my left shin are a sure sign it's summer.
I ventured North (I sang this in my head...or a little out loud...while typing this post) to Ames today (Hello Mr. and Mrs. Cardoza) to catch up with the newly married duo by the pool. I exponentially increased my freckle count, appeared to be wearing a saggy adult diaper (that's a story for an offline conversation), got up to speed on married life from the Mrs. and soaked up an all around great day.
Post-pool we explored downtown LAmes. (I can't help it. Old college habit. Your cupcakes were good but my city is better. Go Hawks.)
Vanilla and Strawberry Kiwi cupcakes from Yummy's in Downtown Ames.
After a rough day of pool chairing and sunscreen applying I certainly enjoyed both getting my pic taken and the strawberry kiwi cupcake. Yummy's was stocked with lil cakes, a 1950's teal refrigerator filled with bottled sodas, and a darling owner decked in 50's wear.
We made a quick stop at Olde Main Brewery for a seasonal Lemontyme Ale. (It was a bit sweeter version of my favorite summertime beer- Summer Shandy) I'd had Olde Main brews at 80/35 and even picked up some at Dahl's...but never had I been to the actual spot. Very cool.

After putting together a few birthday candle cuffs for the very special Stacie and Becca, hitting the happy birthday festivities and wishing for a second Yummy cupcake...Off to aloe.
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Dear 27,
May 23, 2006 I turned 23 on the 23rd. I love birthdays and golden birthdays are an absolute cause for celebration.

(I'm not ashamed to admit my love for my day of birth. How many days a year are there were you can sing songs about "crying if you want to" or wear your "birthday suit" or throw a completely selfish party and have no one judge you out loud? On the 23rd birthday on the 23rd of May I urged birthday celebrators to wear gold. Ends up I was the only one who decided that was a good idea. And we went to Miss Kittys. That, unlike my obsession with birthdays and candles and birthday cakes and crowns and balloons, is embarrassing.)

The gift of an African Violet to the girl with the least green thumb (that's me) was given...and 4 years later it's still living. Granted it hasn't bloomed in nearly 2 full years, it's almost died about 34 times, it's fuzzy little leaves have fallen off in a yellowy brown mess, but this week, out of no where, a bud.
And now. A full blown bloom.

(I've taken a macbook snapshot of this bitty plant everyday since spotting the small plum pod that I'd hoped would flower. I'm now that girl.)

Because I'm a nerd, I believe in weird signs and good things and that "it'll be ok." So that little purple flower sparks a grin every time I see it while not washing dishes or not cleaning the counters. I'm considering it an omen. A good type omen. One that brings good tidings. Or something like that.

And cheechako. That was today's word of the day. Look it up. And say it out loud a few times. (I bet Sarah Palin says it. While hunting moose.)


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"des moines" LAURA "des moines" LAURA

A listen to summer/experience it update

Dear 27,
I did the Farmers Market (more to come on that). Celebrated a birthday in a pair of shorts. And that's pretty much it.
(But a sunny dress was worn. That helps.)
No swimming or maiden voyage to Gray's Lake.
But there's still a few days left in August. (Please live up to your adjective style, not 8th month of the year definition.)
au·gust (ô-gst)
1. Inspiring awe or admiration; majestic: the august presence of the monarch. See Synonyms at grand.
2. Venerable for reasons of age or high rank.

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"art" LAURA "art" LAURA

I wish it were a pirate flag.

Dear 27,
I need to make more time to draw. Monday morning meetings are not the right place to practice drawing skulls. People noticed. Don't doodle weird goth art in non-profit organization meetings. It's hard to explain. (Yes. Megan has asked me to draw a skull. And the crossbones. And a bow.) If someone scanned my google search history they'd think I'd have dreams of being Johnny Depp or a Pirate.

But I have two commissions. I do in fact feel like a "real" artist when I speak of Commissions. Especially when written with a capital C.
Hello KS.
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"art", "des moines" LAURA "art", "des moines" LAURA

The constant. But without a bench or chair or comfortable viewing zone.

Dear 27,
Des Moines felt like home when I found the Rothko. Felt more like home as soon as I found someone to understand and appreciate it. To admire it with another was quite lovely and personal. I do believe it's perfect. And that this painting alone reminded me why art is relevant and controversial and unkind. And it is both moving and makes me feel uneasy. It is curious and terrifically beautiful and vague.
I fell in love with Rothko and Des Moines simultaneously.
I know this canvas' secrets, lines, colors and edges. I have studied it, studied by it and been captivated by it. I missed it's shape and shades.
So today we meet again. (and discretely in front of the new guard I took a blackberry photo.)
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Testing. Testing. 1. 2. 3.

Dear 27,
I'm sick of doctors. And weird ambiguous tests for "something." And of googling medical issues. Oh and needles. Definitely sick of those.

Everything's fine. And I got a souvenir.

**Additional note-- so far it's nothing super awful. The super awful tests came back with an A-OK. Now it's just annoying. But so far-- no more tests and needles. Just waiting. That's all very good news.**
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"art" LAURA "art" LAURA

You wood.

Dear 27,
"What a difference a year makes," to quote my friend. Life is in a totally new place since last July. People and places and words and music and art-- all of it has changed.
I feel quite lucky to have all of the above in my world.
You would make my life more interesting.
Didn't know it then, but now--
I think that I feel more alive than ever.

ps- this is actually a wood postcard. Night Owl Paper Goods makes them. Drawing is by me, LP, but the thinly sliced wooded card is courtesy of Night Owl.
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"des moines" LAURA "des moines" LAURA

I'm gonna have some conversations too here eventually.

Dear 27,
Movie night. At The Fleur.
Any movie with Edward Sharpe playing in the preview gets my attention. And this one lived up to it's trailer track.
(my apologies for the ill-fitting youtube video.)

Honest. Funny. Charming. Vulnerable. Awkward. Smart.
(All words I hope to relate to and all words that accurately describe said flick.)

I'd say Cyrus is a must see.
I'm searching like a nut for the soundtrack. Two songs specifically.
Will add them to the mix soon.
Thanks for the invite.
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